Professional Values and Competencies: Olympia Creative is bringing its best to Capital Area Special Olympics

Written by Kathryn Stuart, Olympia Creative Account Executive


As public relations professionals, there are many values and competencies we are taught and expected to uphold throughout our professional careers. The PRSA Professional Values set out to guide our work. They include: advocacy, honesty, expertise, independence, loyalty and fairness. Olympia Creative is made up many diverse individuals with the ability to provide our own style of conducting business, and that is what makes us unique. At the end of the day, our different styles are rooted in the values we apply to every aspect of our campaign.

As account executive, there are two values I focus on: advocacy and honesty. The PRSA Professional Values describes advocacy as “serving the public interest by acting as responsible advocates for those we represent.” As advocates for Capitol Area Special Olympics of Louisiana (CASOL) we must always be mindful of how we present ourselves when we speak on their behalf. Our two main goals for this semester are to obtain more corporate sponsors and increase awareness of the services CASOL provides. How and what we communicate with the two key audiences is different, but we always remain professional advocates for CASOL by presenting ourselves in a respectable, knowledgeable and professional manner.

As public relations professionals it is part of our job to clearly communicate with our clients, and the best way to achieve this is honesty. Author Ian Altman states, “Those who operate with transparency and integrity reap huge rewards.” As a team, we approach each person and situation equally by establishing open communication based on honesty, sincerity and respect.

One value, outside of the PRSA Professional Values, I find very fitting for Olympia Creative is passion. According to the 2013 Millennial Impact Research report, the millennial generation tends to be more passionate about charity work and has a greater sense of social responsibility. One of the greatest lessons I learned from my father was to find passion in whatever I do. Passion plays a huge role in what we are trying to achieve. Before we became Olympia Creative, we each had an individual passion for Capitol Area Special Olympics, and I believe our passion is what is going to keep us focused and enthusiastic about reaching our goals.

Author Ekaterina Walter describes successful brand advocacy as “the best advocacy programs enable customers to hold the image of a brand in their own hands.” I am inspired every time I meet with my group members for being perfect examples of this definition. Driven by our passion for Special Olympics, each member provides their own bit of flare and enthusiasm to our group. Our combined work ethics, values and passion for Special Olympics is what drives our determination to provide exceptional work for our client and enables them to view us as competent public relations professionals.

To find out more about Special Olympics visit its website, Facebook, and Twitter.